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株式会社ファーストロジックは企業理念として「社会の発展に貢献する」を掲げており、2019年4月より日本初のアストロバイオロジー(宇宙生物学)に特化した寄附プログラムを東京工業大学地球生命研究所(Earth-Life Science Institute: 通称ELSI)と共に設立しました。CSR(企業の社会的責任)活動の一環として支援を行うことを決定したのは、ファーストロジックの坂口直大代表取締役社長。創業者である同氏は、地球上に生命が誕生した経緯と理由について長きにわたり関心を抱いてきました。


Starting from April 2019, Japan's first donation program for supporting astrobiology research and education was launched at Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Institute of Technology with the donation from the FirstLogic, Inc. Naohiro Sakaguchi CEO, has decided to provide support as part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities. The founder has long been interested in how and why life emerged on this planet.

Mr. Sakaguchi has long been seeking answer to this question through philosophy and psychology but he expects that scientific approach in the field of astrobiology can provide solid hypothesis to the fundamental question of the "origins of life". ELSI's Specially Appointed Associate Professor Kosuke Fujishima, will be responsible to conduct a wide range of collaborative research on the origins of life, distribution of life, and the future of life in the universe. This program will also support educational activities for students who are interested in astrobiology.

シンセティック・アストロバイオロジー(合成生物学 x 宇宙生物学)

 アストロバイオロジー(宇宙生物学)という単語の起源は諸説ありますが、1995年当時のNASA長官であるDaniel Goldin氏がカリフォルニア州のエイムズ研究センターにて行なった記者会見にまで遡ることができます。Goldin長官は地球外生命に焦点をあてたExobiologyという学問をアップデートする形でアストロバイオロジーを「宇宙における生命の起源、分布、そして未来を包括的に扱う学術分野」として発表しました。それから現在に到るまで、国内外の様々な研究機関においてアストロバイオロジー研究が進められてきました。


Synthetic Astrobiology

The reinvention of the term "astrobiology" was made in 1995, when former NASA Director Daniel Goldin announced astrobiology as "the academic field that comprehensively addresses the origin, distribution, and future of life in the universe" at NASA Ames research center. Currently astrobiology research has been conducted world wide at various research and academic institutions including Japan.

In the last decade, manufacturing, regulation and evolution at the molecular level have progressed into a interdisciplinary field known as synthetic biology. We are now able to build and test the function of molecules that may have existed on early Earth prior to the emergence of life, or simulate the chemical complexity that perhaps arose under extraterrestrial environments. Through this donation program, we aim to conduct innovative research that connects such "synthetic" approach with astrobiology to provide a breakthrough in researches regarding “origins of life” and “life detection beyond Earth”.


アストロバイオロジー、東工大ELSIでの研究にご興味のある方はこちらまでご連絡ください。If you are interested in studying astrobiology in Japan or doing research at ELSI, Tokyo Tech. Please contact here: